Some Courses offered at the DSRI
- Gender and Development
- Managing Workload
- Gender and Macroeconomic Policies
- Women, Law, and Development
- Women and Mass Communication
- Women and Food Security
- Leadership Training Courses at the States level
- Gender & Human Rights
- Gender Mainstreaming in Conflict and Post Conflict Situations
- Marketing and Value Chain Analysis
- Microfinance and Value Chain Financing
- Cost-benefit Analysis
- Data Analysis
- Surveys
- Micro-projects and Poverty Alleviation Policies
- Reproductive Health
- Development and Planning
- Rural Development and Planning
- Project Identification, Planning and Management
- Social and National Accounting
- Human Resources Development
- Administration of Services
- Transport and Communication Economics
- Power Sharing & Division of Wealth
- Gender and Development
- Banking and Development Finance
- Employment and Manpower Resources
- Local and Regional Development
- Development and Strategic Planning