DSRI Programs

Research & Consultancy Program

The rapid and dramatic development in the economic, political, and social life in the Sudan during the last decade has raised pressing research issues. Problems of poverty alleviation, structural adjustment, power sharing and the distribution of wealth, gender and development and the role of NGOs to mention only few constitute DSRI future research agenda. The DSRI conducted many surveys in different parts of Sudan.

The DSRI encourages group research and co-operates with national and international organizations in implementing its research programs as well as provides the necessary logistic support for research work of such institutions. The co-operation program capitalizes the DSRI successful research activities for the last thirty years.


Women, Gender, and Development Unit

The Women, Gender, and Development unit (WGAD) is designed to improve and develop projects and program for women and Gender issues through the implementation of series of activities covering short training courses, conferences, workshops, research, and documentation. Since its establishment in 1978 under the Women and Development program up to its promotion to women, Gender, and development unit in 2002, it achieved remarkable professional reputation at national and international levels and created good links with local and international institutions involved in gender and development studies and research. Various training workshops, research assignments were successfully carried out at national and regional levels. The program also offers training research and consultancy and advisory services in Gender and Development issues in the Sudan.

Capacity Building Program (Short Courses)

The Short-Courses Training Program brings participants up to date on current issues in development problems. The courses are geared to practical development issues with plenty of exercises, case studies and individual and group assignments based on real life situations. The DSRI provides flexible training program and designs special courses according to the training needs and requirement of concerned organizations in Khartoum and other regions on demand. The short courses span areas including executive training, project management, report writing, research methodology, data analysis etc.

Computer Training Program

The computer unit is one of the main units of the Institute. It offers a range of short courses and provides data processing and analysis services for researchers.

Documentation and Publications Program

This program includes the specialized library and the publications and press unit.

