
  • Encourages, conducts, promotes, and coordinates interdisciplinary teaching and research in development studies.
  • Designs curricula leading to degrees in the field of development studies.
  • Conducts short training courses, seminars, public lectures, workshops, conferences on problems relating to socio-economic development working with government of Sudan and the wider Civic Society Organizations.
  • Enhances and follows-up research on development studies through periodicals, reports, and publications.
  • Provides communication facilities between researchers within the university, government, CSOs, and other related corporate bodies at the national and international level.
  •  Cooperates closely with researchers, institutes, and other agencies in fields of specialization.
  • Provides forum for exchange of experiences and disseminates know-how on development issues among experts, staff, and students.
  •  Provides and promotes programs and research dealing with the area of documentation and information science as well as the exchange of publications where feasible.
  • Promotes gender studies through teaching, research, training, and curricula development for capacity building.
  • Conducts all that is necessary to carry out its stated objectives.
