Graduate Studies

The institute provides specialized graduate programs in development studies and strategic planning. It offers diploma, masters, and Ph. D. degrees. The programs are open to graduates from economics and social sciences, agriculture and other disciplines related to development studies. The teaching & research programs are interdisciplinary in nature with more emphasis on applied development policy-oriented issues.

Graduate Diploma in Development and Planning

This is two semesters teaching and training program directed to the needs of mid-career professionals in development studies. Its objective is to equip the participants with capacity to critically analyze and assess complex processes of the socio-economic development and strategic planning and provide sound knowledge of basic approaches to analysis level, methods, and techniques of planning at national, regional and project level. The teaching program covers: Economic Theory, Research Methods, Rural Development, Current Development Issues, Regional Planning, National Planning and Project Evaluation. After the first semester, participants can follow one of two possible streams: either the Development Studies Stream or the Development Planning Stream.

M. Sc. in Development and Planning (By Courses)

This program is a two-year program. The first year comprises advanced interdisciplinary and in-depth teaching courses. The program is directed to the training needs of those concerned with the analysis, evaluation and design of socio-economic policies, plans, and projects. The courses include Advanced Development Theories, Advanced Economic Theory and Policy, Advanced Planning, Readings in Rural Development.

The second year of the program is assigned to individual research under close supervision and closely linked to DSRI research policies and priorities.

M. Sc. in Development and Planning (By Research)

This program is to improve the conceptual and analytical skills of high-level development practitioners with extensive experiences, but their responsibilities would not allow them to attend full -time courses.

The program extends over two years, at the end of it, the participant submits thesis under the auspices of the DSRI and university of Khartoum staff. The program was introduced in 2002 to draw upon the experiences of high-level participants in documenting for the development experience of the Sudan.

Diploma/M. Sc. in International Trade and Development (By Courses)

This program is a two-year program. The first year comprises advanced interdisciplinary and in-depth teaching courses and it comprises the Diploma. The program is directed to the training needs of those concerned with the analysis, evaluation and design of Fair pro-poor Trade policies and plans.

Ph. D. in Development (By research)

Due to the scarcity of specialized and qualified specialists in development issues at Ph. D. level in Sudan, the DSRI established the Ph. D. program in development in 2011. This three years program is to build the capacity of development practitioners at the Ph. D. level to engage in academic, research and development institutions; To enhance and promote research capabilities and skills of development researchers; To develop data collection classification and analysis methods and find workable solutions for the development problems of Sudan; To empower employees at their posts with effective tools of field research; and to promote capabilities of the national institutions in the field of development strategies, program, and policies.
